简介:Mark A. Altman负责的CW夏季科幻剧《潘多拉 Pandora》背景设置在2199年,主角是别称「Pandora」的Jax(Priscilla Quintana饰),丧失双亲后她在地球的太空训练学院找到新生活,现在足智多谋的Jax与朋友们一同学习如何阻止银河系里的人类或外星人威胁不过当女主
简介:A group of teenagers met at an hospital and learned that they need to make friends to deal with the problems of suffering different diseases and livin
简介:BBC打算拍一部有关好莱坞性/侵的剧,名字叫《Dark Mon£y》(黑心钱),讲述一个伦敦家庭的儿子在被一个杰出的好莱坞电影制作人性侵之后,他们做出了一个艰难的决定——接受金钱赔偿,开始新生活但很快他们就发现,金钱远远无法弥补这件事对他们的儿子造成的创伤。 Babou Ceesay和Jill Ha
简介:Leeds police constable Jo Gillespie (Sheridan Smith) is devastated when her husband, undercover officer Ryan (Kenny Doughty), is killed in suspicious