简介:An Arizona logger mysteriously disappears for five days in an alleged encounter with a flying saucer in 1975. His co-workers endure ridicule and conte
简介:Pierce Brosnan and Emma Thompson star in this romantic comedy/heist film as a divorced duo who sets aside their differences to undertake a high-stakes
简介:影片的故事灵感来自于极具荒诞主义写实手法的作家C·D·佩恩的小说《青春大反抗:尼克·特威斯普的冒险传奇》,经由格斯汀·纳什之手创作改编成剧本。尼克(迈克尔·塞拉 Michael Cera 饰)痴迷于法国文化,但总显得与他人格格不入,家庭情况也让他无能为力。直到他遇到了漂亮的邻家女孩辛妮(波茜娅·道布